The holiday lights have appeared, snow has begun to fall, and my car has failed to start. Fall is here!
Christmas Giveaway
As is customary at this point, we’re having the end of year giveaway. It was actually quite a challenge to find a good giveaway system that I was happy with using, but in the end we’re sticking to what we are used to already.
Here’s the necessary information:
- The prize this time around will be a $50 Gift Card of your choosing, and a Tier 2 Gift Subscription for Twitch or a Discord Classic Nitro Subscription for the Runner-Up.
- The giveaway will run from December 17 to December 24, with the winner announced on the 24th.
- You can buy tickets via Iris.EXE for 100 zenny each, up to a maximum of 150 tickets. You must also be a follower of the channel.
- The giveaway is primarily open to US and Canada, but I will attempt to accommodate you as much as possible if you are elsewhere (no guarantees!).
In addition to the above, if we get an unspecified amount of giveaway entrants and/or subscriptions in the channel for this month, I will double the giveaway amount from $50 to $100 instead!
Now to address common questions and concerns I usually get in my DM’s:
- I went with the Iris.EXE giveaway method this time around even though we tested the Gleam method because this method allows us to give long time members of the community the fairest chance of winning, while still remaining within the legal parameters of New York sweepstakes law. Unfortunately while it is more user friendly, Gleam does not offer enough options for me to tilt the balance more towards loyalist members (they also want to charge me an arm and a leg).
- I also went with a shorter giveaway time length for similar reasons, but I’ve adjusted the maximum tickets allotted to match. It would only cost 15000 zenny to max out the number of tickets.
- Yes, everyone can join. I really do mean everyone, don’t feel bad about it. The giveaway is balanced for everyone, mods included.
Remember that you can enter the giveaway at any time by typing !giveaway x into the Twitch channel chat (replace x with the number of tickets you want to buy) e.g., if you want to buy 5 tickets (500 zenny worth), you would type !giveaway 5 into the chat, and the bot will respond accordingly.
End of Year NadekoFlower Reset
Reminder that NadekoFlowers will reset at the end of the year for everyone (barring any unforeseen difficulties). This gives everyone a fresh slate to start the race to accumulate them again. Remember that you can exchange your flowers for extra zenny here on the website, but beware that the exchange rate changes depending on how much overall flowers exist in the economy!
Persona 5 Royale
Persona 5 Royale was finally announced, and you bet your ass I threw my wallet at the screen and pre-ordered it immediately. Depending on circumstances and turn out for this giveaway, there may be a giveaway for a copy of this game in the future…
Website Security
This is just a short reminder to make sure that you are either using your Twitch Account to log in to the website, or using strong passwords on your account. The site for whatever reason gets constantly attacked, and this is basic password practice!
Thank you!
I appreciate everyone that takes time out of their day to watch, lurk, or even occasionally chat in the Discord with us. An extra shout-out goes to everyone that supports directly by subscribing (the sheer amount of people that do still surprises me!), boosts the server with Discord Nitro, and to the mods that help me out in the background with ideas and channel management (an extra thanks to Zombiexm for handling the vod beautification!).
Happy Holidays and a great new year!
P.S. pls recommend new anime in the comments, I’m running out