Iris.EXE is the main bot responsible for tracking the zenny you earn while watching the stream. She also handles some basic moderating functions.

Zenny is the main loyalty point system used in the channel, and you earn zenny for your time here. Check your balance with !zenny in the chat at any time.

You normally earn zenny at the rate of 1 zenny per minute (although Iris only performs the checks every 5 minutes).

You can use your hard earned zenny for rewards in the Zenny Shop. Check out what’s available here.

Iris.EXE is a self-hosted bot which initially ran off the original fork of Ankhbot, but this is now known as Streamlabs chatbot.

You can also use some of Iris’ commands in the Discord #botspam channel as well; however you must link your accounts by sending a Discord direct message to Iris.EXE with the command !linkdiscord and following the short prompts.

Common Commands

The following is a list of popular available commands that you can execute with Iris.EXE. Keep in mind that unless stated, all of these commands can be run by whispering Iris.EXE on twitch directly, if you wish to remain discreet for whatever reason.

  • !ping | The bot will respond back. Used to check if the bot is live and running.
  • !zenny | Returns the amount of zenny registered under the user, as well as rank and hour data.
  • !linkdiscord | Initiates linking process between Twitch User and Discord User. [Discord Direct Message Only]
  • !youtube | Returns the link to the youtube channel.
  • !discord | Returns the link to the Discord Server.
  • !twitter | Returns the link to twitter.

Iris.EXE logo put together by reddit user ZeroPucks.