
This blog post is just a general overview of whats been going on the past few months since December.

Channel Updates

Unfortunately I have not been as active as I’d like to be on the channel, which is partly in due to a few unavoidable factors. The good news is that once we are past the current internet issues I am having at the moment, I should be able to resume a semblance of a regular schedule as before once again. I have also finally found a job, so neither the website, channel, or me will starve (hooray!).

With the new Twitch affiliate update, the channel should be getting 4 emote slots which will be slowly rolled over in the following months. This is great for you, since you can finally get the rightful bang for your buck that you deserve. I will be transferring over the current 3 emotes we have at the moment to those slots, but it may also not be a bad idea to perhaps start considering an artist to re-design those emotes in an appropriate art style. I haven’t found any artist whose style matches what I’m looking for yet; however if you know anyone that could rise up to the challenge, do send them my way; I will pay handsomely for a job well done.

The Ultimate Thanks reward planning is almost complete as well, and the requirements will most likely be set into stone as they are now. I wanted to make a reward like this in order to add a more “personal” touch to things, rather than them always being simple gift cards. Its the least I can do for anyone willing to go to such lengths, and I am finally in a position to be able to execute these plans.

Don’t forget; I am still taking song extension requests for any game music you might fancy seeing extended. I am always excited to find new remixes and themes to extend and add to my collection.

Hopefully over the coming months, I can make the experience for everyone part of the community feel even more worth it in every aspect of the stream. Thanks for sticking through with me!